Buck Creek launched October 2023. We are a new church, centered on the gospel which is the Good News of Jesus Christ. You really were lovingly made in God's image to reflect His love in this world. Then sin wrecked everything. But God, being rich in mercy and out of deep love stepped in by sending the Rescuer: Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ really lived the perfect life of obedicen we all fail to live, He really died the sacrificial death we all deserve becaue of our transgressions, He really rose from the grave forever conquering sin and death, He really ascended into heaven and really is coming again to save us from the presence of sin. He will make everything right and wipe away every tear from every eye.

Our job? Loving you into the Kingdom of God. Pointing you to that Gospel message. We are all about moving you from being an outsider to an insider and from moving members into missionaries.